Postpartum Doula Packages
Once you’re ready to start working as a postpartum doula and you get your website up and running, it’s time to start thinking about the postpartum doula packages you want to offer to your clients.
Packaging your postpartum doula services makes it easier for potential clients to understand how you can help them.
Here are my top suggestions:
Keep it simple - don’t overwhelm people with lots of words and descriptions
Offer three package options - Offer a one-time visit, a medium sized package and a deluxe or VIP package.
Offer add-on value instead of bulk discounts - Instead of lowering your hourly rate for your large packages, what services or products can you add on as a bonus?
Are you trying to figure out how to create virtual postpartum doula packages? I have a whole module on virtual postpartum doula package ideas and pricing in my Take Your Postpartum Doula Business Virtual online class. Check it out here.