Dear mom who had a baby 3 days ago,


Dear mom who had a baby 3 days ago,

Oh sweet mama, I see you. I see your disposable underwear.

I know. They’re so weird. But you might want to tuck a few pairs in your bag before you leave the hospital.

Look at this baby! So adorable. So amazing. You did it!I know you love your baby so much it scares the heck out of you. And maybe you don’t yet, that’s fine. It’s coming, I promise. That’s normal.

I know, I know. You didn’t think it would be like this, that’s ok. Day 3 can be a rough day. Your body’s hormones are changing from pregnancy to mom and that can be such a rollercoaster. Your mind and your soul are changing from pregnancy to mom too and that can be just too hard to put into words. I understand.

I know you wished you paid more attention to those books you read about breastfeeding. It will be ok, take it one feeding at a time. You are doing great!

I see your eyes glaze over as the fourth nurse tells you the fourth different way to hold your baby while trying to breastfeed. Why can’t they all just agree? It’s so frustrating.

I know you pooped while you were pushing. It’s ok. That’s not the part your husband is going to remember forever, I promise.

I know you are sore in places you didn’t know existed. When you get home, soak some pads with witch hazel and put them in the freezer.

The nurse said you are getting discharged soon. It’s OK to feel scared about going home and being in charge of this precious little being.

It’s OK, a lot of new moms feel that way. You can do it. You’ve done a great job so far.

I understand you have a million crazy thoughts floating through your head.  It's ok. You are a good mom.

I understand.

I’m your postpartum doula. And I’m here to help.

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The Doula Darcy

is a mother of three who spent the entire day crying on Day 3 after her first baby was born. Her experience motivated her to become a postpartum doula to help other new moms. She is an experienced, certified postpartum doula and a member of DONA (Doulas of North America). She has helped hundreds of new moms during the first 12 weeks home with a new baby. Home on maternity leave? Check out her option for virtual postpartum doula support.